Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fun and more fun! =)

What a wonderful Saturday~!

My life now is all about chill and laid back. Really. Nothing too out of the ordinary- just work, school and taking pictures of all the situations I get myself into.. Hehe.. So attached to Instagram.. Obsessed maybe.. :-p

Anyways, Ayu texted me yesterday saying that she wanted to go to Mimpikita.. It's a boutique fyi, located at Telawi 2, Bangsar.. 


I used to love that place.. Too much memories there with my uni friends 
*If you know what I mean*
So yeah, today after my Intensive Class for my SPM's students we went to Bangsar to get her urge done..haha.. She is a true champion when it comes to shopping.. I just need to inhale and exhale for quite a while to control my pang.. It worked.. Alhamdulillah.. pffttt

I'm happy to be there by her side and helped her choose, well everything.. She bought a new compact powder and lipstick at Laura Mercier.. (and booked an Aldo pumps) I just can't help myself but to protect her from the SA.. You know, sometimes they just can be mean and randomly picked out wrong colors for the customers.. In fact I've experienced it before and it sucks.. Glad that the powder looks so nice on her skin and yeah, she's now flawless.. =)

This is us, at Mimpikita

This is sooo gonna be my baju raya Insyaa Allah.. ;-p

Had a lot of fun with Ayu and her sister Ain and cousin Nana.. I always wanted to have younger sister..A person that I can play dress up and makeup with.. Tho God didn't granted me with one but Alhamdulillah He sent me a few friends that I can relate with.. =)

Again, us with the whole gang at Mimpikita's boutique.. Had fun playing dress ups and verangan in the changing room.. Hehe.. 

Told Ayu that I'm craving for WM's coffee last Thursday and she remembered! 
*teary eyes*
She brought us to Publika for some coffee and cupcakes and gossips.. I love her so much.. Wallahi.. =)

Well, this, on the other hand my friend, is Harris spending the night playing MegaBlocks..
Nope, he is not ignoring his bestie, the iPod...









Yup yup...

He cracked his bestie during the dancing on the bed session.. He jumped and accidentally dropped it on the floor.. Uhuh, drop it like it's hot..
I was so surprised seeing him playing quietly in the room, and gave his panic look as soon as I approached him just now.Bik Bibah told me that he refused and forbid everyone to touch his 'dead' iPod.. Poor Harris, I assumed that he afraid that someone will notice the crack... So I didn't scold him..He had enough pain in his heart already.. Texted Hazman, my Apple expertise friend to ask him where can I get the iPod fixed? He told me that I could get it repaired at LowYatt for below than RM200..What a relief.. Alhamdulillah.. 

And now, I'm combatting my sleepiness in my 'quest' to finish my assignments.. Stop yawning you silly mouth! Hwarghhhhh...


  1. Chilli fries. I want.

    Oi bdk kecik pun ade ipod touch. Gempak

  2. ala Rmadhan, nak kena g hantar reapir ni..kesian kat I.. =/

  3. Hahaha true champion laaaaa....??? Oh yeah i didnt get the aldo flats....too bz to pick it up. But pleat maxi skirt keeps on coming like heyyyyy remember me? *sobs*

    1. ayu bakka...u really need shopping therapy now..just like you normally do every weekend..hahaha..jom ah..esok? haha


Be nice and wise.. =)