Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hello there. Everyone...
I wish that I still do remember how to write. I know it’s been awhile, and I’m sorry about that. If you’re a regular reader, then you’re my friend, and you deserve an apology.. Truth be told, I’ve been busy. Not with anything in particular, but just with life. My life is so challenging right now, I’m not sure I have the words to do it justice. Sometimes we all need to step back from ourselves and just appreciate life. That’s where I am right now, that’s what I’ve been up to.
Firstly, things have been so bleurghhhh right now.. My sister was warded for a week, and to make it worse her children were infected with HFM virus..It's painful to see her like that..Helpless. She has been crying ever since. Ironically, she brought her children to the hospital for a check up..All of us thought that they were having a heat rashes... but it turned out that my sister is having a worse medical condition..So the doctors decided to monitor her in ward for a while.. I helped her by looking after her children, but the bad news is now Harris is having a fever..I really wish that he's not infected with the HFM.. T___T
He refused to eat anything.. Even his favorite 'bubur nasi udang'.. He only ate 2 spoonful of it and he said, 'Tak nak'... I'm so worried guys.. 

It’s nearly three pm, and I’m in my room. I’ve drank at least 3 cups of coffee to keep me awake..Last night Harris refused to sleep..He insisted or demanded to be cuddled all night long.. and I'm obliged to do that..I'm his mother. It's so hard to raise a child without his father existence.. But it's okay, Shah said that he'll be back in Kepong tonight..Really wish that he could be here for us.. =( I'm so tired right now, lucky for me that Harris is sleeping (while hugging my thigh).. However my fingers demanded that I type something, right now. Sleep will come, because it will always does. I started to feel like sleep is a necessary waste of time. I’m afraid that when I’m asleep, I’ll miss something or something bad will happen to Harris. I'm a paranoid parrot after all.. hehe..not funneh!

I'm restless right now but I know that Allah will always help me to get through this challenges.. I have 2 assignments to do before Monday comes, but heck..I'm a ninja.. A ninja mom..

Please pray for Harris' health.. I have to go to my tutoring class at 4.. Really hope that Harris' condition will be better when I reach home at 7 tonight.. Really really really trying my best to keep Harris' away from being warded.. =/


Be nice and wise.. =)